Blender Ideas

Unknown | 12:39 | 0 commentaires

One of the things that I have noticed about single men is, they don't have the right tools in the kitchen. I have never understood this really. I mean, if youare single or in a relationship, you still need to eat. I have known men that didn't have a can opener or a pot big enough to cook pasta in. One thing a man should never do with out is, a blender. It is a good for many things in the kitchen. It is also good to make mixed drinks with. Your lady friends will love the mixed drinks you will make in your new blender. Most women like sweet fruity type of alcoholic drinks. If you can get her drunk..... You know the rest of the story.
Blenders can be a great way to make easy meals. I love to use mine to make fast meals that I don't have to stand around a hot stove to make. I call it fast food at home. I also try to make a little extra so that I have some leftovers I can eat the next day for dinner or take it to work for lunch.
Here are some easy recipes that you can use in your blender.
The Virgin Club Med Breeze
350-400 ml strawberry yogurt 1/2 cup skim milk (or 2%) 1 sliced banana 2 tsp lemon juice 2 tsp grenadine syrup 2 scoops protein powder This is a drink that women will love. A few of these and both of you will have a nice buzz and a quite evening around the fire place will be so relaxing. You may want to skip the powder if you are making it for your woman.
2 ripe tomatoes cut into big pieces 1/2 cup chopped parsley or coriander 2 tbsp breadcrumbs 1 avocado, sliced 3 tbsp lemon juice 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 cup of tomato juice 1 cup of ice-cold water 2 tsp Tabasco or chili sauce Salt, pepper, and dried herbs to taste Throw everything in the blender and watch it go. This one tastes great. I usually add just a little more hot sauce to mine. I might also add some crushed red pepper flakes after I have blended it. I love hot and spicy foods.
A simple pesto is a great way to use the blender. Since everyone has a way to make it they like, I suggest that you look on google or another search engine for a good recipe. I would try to avoid the oil. Some people put a lot of oil in theirs. Also, if you use pine nuts, I would suggest that you use ones that are dry roasted. Make sure you don't get the ones that are deep fried.
The blender can also be a great way to make deserts. Try this one.
Two cups ice cream. Two handfuls of strawberries Half a banana Some chocolate syrup. In the last pulse, put in some walnuts. Get them chopped up, but not too fine. You want to make sure that you can feel the walnuts in your mouth.
Serve this in a bowl or on top of a piece of low fat cake. I love eating this with low fat chocolate cake. I bake a cake and don't put any frosting on it. I make it in a square pan. I put the ice cream on the cake like it was frosting. Garnish with a few whole walnuts. You and your guests will love this.

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