Fat : Most of us are focused on fat !!!

Unknown | 18:15 | 0 commentaires

Most of us are focused on fat. It is all that we hear about these days. Since the time we are kids we are told that fat is bad for us. Some people are more worried about calories than fat. To be honest you should be worried about both.
You need to make sure that your diet isn't full of junk food. You should be getting your calories from foods that are good for you. Who cares about not eating any fat, if all your calories come from sweets? I'm not sure how much I believe fat is the bad thing we make it out to be. I'm starting to believe that carbs are the real evil in the diet empire. I really do think this is why so many people are overweight in this world. Think about it like this. How many cultures in the world eat bread? Most of them eat some sort of bread.
Bread for some people is the focus of the meal. In the old days, women spent all day long making breads. This is also true with pasta in some regions of the world. A lot of places eat some sort of pasta with every meal. What about rice?
The same thing. The Irish and potatoes? The same thing. These are all carbs. Most people eat these every day of their lives. I think we are addicted to carbs. I know I am. I eat so much bread and other carbs that I don't know what I would do without them. That, adds a tire around the waste line. I'm not saying that carbs are worse than fat per se. I mean, fat has its problems too. You eat too much of it, you are getting yourself ready for a heart attack. I mean, your body can only handle so much of them. We have all seen young men get heart attacks at an early age. So, we know that fat is bad.
Not all fat is the same though. Some fat is worse than others. Let's talk about these different kinds of fat. We have items that are lower in saturated fat. These would include meats and cheeses. They don't have as much fat as the items we will be talking about next. On the other hand, you have items that are more saturated than meats and cheese. These tend to be anything deep fried. They will include, donuts, french fries, potato chips.
The second is what you need to stay away from. These are high in calories. They also will clog your arteries. I hate to say it, but the good stuff in life has its risks. I'm not saying that you shouldn't ever eat these items, but eat them in moderation. That is the key. Don't eat them every day, but once per week.
Don't go hog wild on a whole bag of chips. Instead, get a small bag that is enough for one or two servings. This way, you won't be tempted to eat the whole bag.
Oils such as olive oil are low in sat fats. You should use these when ever you can. Keep in mind though, you should only use a little of oil. Make sure to always use non stick cookware. This is a must and a great investment for your health. By using non stick cookware you won't have to use as much oil when cooking. If you get the good stuff, you might not have to use any at all. I think that you should watch your caloric intake as well as your fat. I would say that they should go hand in hand. I would pay close attention to how much carbs you are eating each day. I know that I sound like a broken record, but I do think people are too dependant on them. They are a good source of energy, but you will feel burnt out if you eat them too much. I think you know what I am talking about. You feel like you need a nap all the time.
There are also health risks involved with a diet high in fat. You are at higher risk of having sugar problems and heart disease. Plus a whole host of cancers that most people don't have a risk for. People who eat high fat diets also have skin problems. I think people who eat too much fat have very bad complexion.
Their skin almost looks like leather.
I hope that you don't finish reading this and think that you should cut out all of the fat in your diet. That isn't my intent. Instead, you should look at the big picture. You can eat some fat, just don't go licking a block of lard as a refreshing snack on a hot summer day.
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