Food Labels

Unknown | 21:18 | 0 commentaires

If you live in America, you know that all food must be labeled. The only food that doesn't have to be is, food that is in individual packages inside of a box or container. Even with that, the container that they come in have to be labeled. Do you buy your food according to these labels? That makes you feel smart, like a good consumer. What if I told you that those labels are nothing more than hog shit? Well, you would probably get angry at me. For the most part that is true. Like most things in life, people want to deceive you. Let's be
honest, they want your money. They will do whatever they have to do to get it.
Why not lie? Is the new formula a break through? Chances are it isn't. Chances are it is just a slight diversion from the old one. Why do they tell you it is? Because that will make you buy it. It really is that simple.
Is the product new and improved? Well, the packaging might be. If it is new and improved, wouldn't that make it a whole different product? If not, then listen to this. If the product is new and improved, then what were they selling you before? Were they selling you some shit that was worthless? If they were selling you the best quality item before, how could they make it better?
What does patented formula mean? It means nothing. Nothing that should concern any of us. It just means that whatever is in the stuff, is patented. That shouldn't be too alarming. I mean, do you really think that Coke isn't patented?
What are labels good for? You might be thinking that all of this negative stuff means that they aren't good for nothing. That isn't true. What you have to determine is, what is hype and what is real. They are going to try to do everything they can to sell you the product. Even if you don't need it. That is what some may call hype. On the other hand, actual info on the food is what you are after. You just want the facts, just the facts. On the back of the label, should tell you all that you need to know. Just turn the container around and have a look see.
What kind of information should you find back there? You should see what the ingredients are. It should say in fairly simple terms what is in the product. If it has loads of big words that you don't know what they are, I would move on to another product and see what it says. It should tell you what the serving size is. It should also tell you how many servings are in the container. This is important when you are shopping on a budget. You should always pay attention to how many servings are in the container. Compare the price per serving with other brands of the same item. If you do this often, you can save yourself a lot of
Also the label should tell you the info on the food. How much fat, vitamins, minerals, cabs and so forth that is in the food. That is important if you are on a diet. You need to know what you are putting in your body. If at any time you feel that you don't have enough info on the product, you can always check to see if they have a web site. If they do, there might be some info on it. If they don't, check to see if there is a number that you can call. If there is a number, chances are there will be someone there who can answer your question.
Though they do label how much fat, they don't tell you what kind of fat is in it. This can cause some problems if you are on a strict diet. Like I said before, you can try giving them a call for the info that you are looking for.
Of course some foods won't have labels. Like foods found at the farmers market or stuff that is sold at a bake sale. You can always ask the person at the bake sale what they put in the food item. If they say it is a secret recipe, tell them it is a secret where your wallet is and walk away from them. There is no reason why they at least can't tell you what is in the things. The farmers market really isn't that big of a worry. I mean, you know what is in an onion.
You might ask what type of chemicals they use on their farm. They should have no problems telling you this.
To summarize about food labels. Don't believe the hype. The front of the label is where they try to sell the product to you. Instead, pay close attention the portion of the label that gives you the nutrition information.

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