5 ways to make your diet a success

Unknown | 18:32 | 0 commentaires

If you want to lose weight, it has to be a 50/50 partnership of diet and exercise.
It's no simple task to lose weight. Saying you're going to start a diet, or eat healthier or get in shape is a far different thing than putting those plans in motion. Its takes an honest commitment and hard work on your part. For most of us with busy schedules, and usually living on a budget, it seems like a daunting task. But, if you're ready to lose weight in a healthy manner and actually see positive results, then stick to these five really easy to follow tips.

1. Set realistic goals

You're not going to lose 50 pounds this week, or the next. You can most certainly start losing the weight though. Being honest with yourself about what you want to accomplish and when that can actually be accomplished will help you avoid giving up. You can do this. Just be patient.

2. Choose your method

Have you tried restrictive diets in the past and wound up with more frustration than weight lost? Then don't do get burned twice. That method isn't the best for you. Let's face it, there are as many ways to lose weight as there are cures for hiccups. Do your homework and visit with your doctor. Then decide on the plan that's right for you.

3. Reward yourself

If you aced an exam or got promoted at work, you'd likely celebrate. So don't forget to reward the milestones in your weight loss journey. Get a pedicure for that first 10 pounds. Buy a new outfit for that extra 20. Hit the 50 or 100 pound marks? Take a vacation you've always wanted. This will keep you from becoming discouraged and help you to keep looking forward.

4. Write it down

Journaling is not a new concept. People have been keeping diaries of their daily lives for hundreds of years. Journaling has also proven to be a great way to help people lose weight. Carry a small notebook with you and make note of everything you eat or drink. This will help you identify calorie counts, times of day, weaknesses and even what you've been doing right. You can also use your weight loss journal to outline goals (and rewards!), exercise an more.

5. Keep moving

Don't believe the hype- you're not going to lose weight unless you exercise. If you want to lose weight, it has to be a 50/50 partnership of diet and exercise. The E-word is not a popular one, but you'll realize serious results if you do. It can be as expensive or cheap as you like and it can absolutely be on your terms. Spend 30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week engaging in physical exercise. If you're new to exercise, get your doctor's OK first. Start out slow and don't over exert yourself. If you hurt yourself, it's not going to do you any favors. Find an exercise program that you enjoy. If running turns you off, but you love laps in the pool- then do the laps. You're more likely to stick to it if you enjoy doing it.
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